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Scrappin One Page At A Time Club

Sale price $9.99

Here is where you will get access to my page club that contains all the project sheets for our scrapbook pages, live classes, and I also include any tutorial where I make an album from a binder album.

This club is all about easy access to page designs ideas, page templates, and I will be putting my Facebook live classes inside this club!  I'm hoping with this club that you will spend less time searching the world Wide Web for a page design, and spend more time crafting your pages!!

All page designs, templates, and lives will be numbered, and indexed for easy to locate.

I will send you the Project Sheets to your email that will contain the photo gallery, and the guide that goes with them.  I will send you an invite so you will  access to my box account.  This will contain the following:

  • Project Sheets - gallery & guide sheets
  • Interactive Binder Scrapbook Tutorials
  • 6 x 8 Binder Tutorials 
  • Scrappin Your Pad Party Tutorials

You will never pay a higher price for this club, as long as you stay current with me.  This is the price you will always pay no matter what happens in the future!  You are required to stay with this club for at least 3 months once you sign up.

***I'm still working on getting this club all together, and trying to figure what is working, and what isn't

Here is what I know that will take place inside this club:

  • I will come up with templates that you can read real quick, and then it will give you the measurements for that particular page layout.
  • I will be putting in all my Facebook live classes for those who can't watch live classes, or just prefer that way of teaching.
  • This will include any of my Interactive Pages that I've been working on, plus any that I come with in the future!

I do offer you a subscription box for this club, and it will allow you to follow right along with me during my Make It Wednesday live classes. 

This is a separate club that you have to sign up for.


What this club isn't about:

  • It is Not a PAY-to-PLAY club!!  You can find the Facebook live classes on Scrappin It Up on Facebook, but that takes time to search!
  • Is this club all set in stone?  No, it will evolve around the next few months, and may take lots of turns and twist!!
  • It's not just a one time fee, its a monthly fee that will be automatically taken out every month, at the time of sign up!

How will I receive my purchase?

How will I receive my purchase:

1st,  you will receive an confirmation email of your purchase and then you will receive an email invite from my box account, which is a file sharing service that I use to hold all my tutorials.  From there you can either set up a free account with box, that will allow you access from any device, or you can directly download it to your own computer.

You are responsible for your own box account, not Scrappin It Up.  Please keep your confirmation email as a receipt for your records so that if something happens and you need to get the tutorial again, you will be able to verify your purchase with me.

How long does it take to receive my invite?

Please allow 24 hours to receive your invite, but during holidays or weekends, it could take a little bit longer.

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